Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reflection on Short I-search paper!!

1. I have learned a lot of useful information from the textbooks, the internet, the lectures we had in class over the short I-search paper. I also learned about the different templates we could use in our papers as well. I takes time to write a good paper.
2. This relates to what I already know because I know you have to listen in class to know what you have to write about and you have to look at your book so you know if your doing it right and i know to use the internet in looking for information. And it does take a lot of work to write a good paper. You have to brainstrom and firgure out what information you want to use in your paper and that takes time to do that.
3.I can use what I have learned in writing this paper in the future because I know i will be writing a lot more in this class and this has prepared me so I can write my long I-search paper.
4.Yes I can apply what I've learned in the classroom to my life. Because I have to write more papers thoughout college and this paper has prepared me to take my time and really focus on what I need to be doing.
5.I got to learn some interesting information about MySpace and Facebook. And that they are different but they are alike as well. I feel like I have grow as a write because of thhis paper.
6.One low point in writing this paper was starting it. I have be so busy with all my other classes I barely had the time to write it and finish it. But I made time and got it done.
7. Some obstacles I had to overcome while writing this paper was not going out to eat with my friends because I had to get my paper done and putting aside time for everything else. Like math homework and public speaking work and also reading homework.
8.I stayed on top of my paper and asked people questions about my topic and I also asked some people to read my paper over to see what they thought about it and to see if i made any mitakes that I needed to fix.
9.I have learned that I need to do my paper first and then worry about everything else. I have learned that it doesn't take me along time to write a page as along as I stick with it. The hardest thing for me is starting the paper. I have always had trouble with that. But after i start it and get it going everything just starts to fall together. The best place for me to write my paper was at mass media. Because it's really quite and everyone is really nice. I just like doing my papers and all my other work in mass media. It's hard writing a paper when you have all kind of other things going on like,having all kinds of other homework to do like math and reading and public speacking,hanging out with your boyfriend,making time for friends and also making time to eat and sleep. It takes a lot to write a page and saying focused on it. But once your focused everything should work out and you should get your paper done. Which that's what I did, I stayed foused and got it done!

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