Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do you think students should have jobs?

I have to disagree with students having jobs while there still in school. School is more important than having a job right now. I see it as we will make the big bucks later. If you’re doing everything right then school should be your full time job. We should be worried about passing all of our classes and making good grades on our exams and graduating and having good careers. Then we should worry about finding a good job and having money. But right now we should be worried about school more than anything. Having an education is one of the best things we can have so why abuse that? I feel if students paid more attention to their grades and school there would be less drop outs and more students graduating and going to college. I don’t have a job in school because for one my mom doesn’t want me to have one and she wants me to just worry about school and I think the same thing, I just need to worry about passing all of my classes not how many hours I’m going to be working next week. The last reason I feel students shouldn’t have jobs is because we really don’t need them right now and being a student is a full time job for anyone in college.

I have to agree with students having jobs while there still in school. They might have to have a job because they have to pay for their own school and their parents won’t help them. Or their parents can’t afford to pay for their education so if the student wants to go college they would have to have a job to pay for it. So, I feel like it’s a good idea for students to have jobs. It will make you more responsible and teach you how the real world really works and teach you how to become successful. And it also teaches us that nothing is handed to us and we have to go work for it. I think having a job in school helps keep you out of trouble, even though you will have to stay on top of your school work, it will teach you how to handle different situations when there thrown at you. Also, you will have to work your butt off in your classes and know when you need to take off of work so you can study for your big exams and know when the right times are to do that. But you will have a lot of pressure on you if you do have a job and your still in school.

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